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About Us

First I would like to thank all of you that have attended the Resurrection Breakfast.  The last 25 years of the Resurrection Breakfast have been a wonderful journey. Remembering the first breakfast and the 185 men that attended, to the years we had over 1,000 men in attendance, we've watched many men whose lives have been impacted. Father and sons, brothers and friends, attending year after year have enjoyed the morning we put together. I'm guessing, but I believe that over 10,000 men have attended this event. Those attending have enjoyed speakers such as: Bobby Jones (76ers), Bobby Richardson (NY Yankees), Pat Kelly (Baltimore Orioles) David Akers, Erving Fryer, Jeremiah Trotter (Phil. Eagles), Dave Roever, Bob Wieland (motivational speakers) and many more.


It has been my pleasure to organize the Resurrection Breakfast all these years. 
I hope you enjoy this event, and with God’s help, we enjoy the Resurrection Breakfast together for years to come. 

- Larry Baruffi